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Linseed Oil

Linseed Oil


  • Description

    Linseed oil, also known as flaxseed oil, is made from the seeds of the flax plant. The oil contains substances which promote good health. Linseed and linseed oil are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that appears to be beneficial for heart disease. ALA belongs to a group of substances called omega-3 fatty acids.

    Good health requires the right ratio of Omega 3 fatty acids to Omega 6 fatty acids in the diet. The ideal ratio is around 1:2. The average American diet is more around 1:20 to 1:50, with way too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3. The ratio present in linseed oil is about 4:1. So linseed oil is a good source of Omega 3. You should consume every day small portions of linseed or linseed oil. However if linseed oil is used in the diet for long time, without other oils, it may cause Omega 6 LA deficiency symptoms. So the best bet is to blend linseed oil with other oils that contain more Omega 6, in order to get the right balance, such as sesame oil, sunflower oil, evening primrose oil.

    Linseed oil is good for the heart because it is the richest source of alpha-linolenic acid. Linseed itself (ground or whole) also contains lignans, which may have antioxidant actions and may help protect against certain cancers, though not everyone agrees on this issue.


    Linseed Oil Benefits and Uses


    Lower cholesterol, protect against heart disease and control high blood pressure

    Counter inflammation associated with gout, lupus and fibrocystic breasts

    Control constipation, haemorrhoids, diverticular disorders and gallstones

    Treat acne, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn and rosacea

    Promote healthy hair and nails

    Minimise nerve damage that causes numbness and tingling as well as other disorders

    Reduce cancer risk and guard against the effects of ageing

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